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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

KLEO Next level Premium WordPress Theme Download Free [Version 3.1]

KLEO Next level Premium WordPress Theme Download Free [Current Version 3.0.7]
KLEO WordPress Theme, Updated Version Is Available On Here.
Next Level Premium WP Theme : This WordPress Theme is not simple like other themes but it is a next level theme. You can easily see the latest version on Themeforest or you can download updated version from here. You can easily download KLEO by clicking on download link. Current Version is 3.1 and last time it was updated on Oct 30, 2015.
  • KLEO is an incredible and superb Next level Premium WordPress Theme and this WordPress Theme has Customizable, Flexible, Multi Purpose Design plus these features can fit your demands or needs. 
  • KLEO WordPress Theme is perfect for your next project or work and with this WP Theme you can create any site within seconds and you no longer need to be a web developer to build a website or personal blog. 
  • The Theme is compatible or fully support WordPress , Buddypress and WooCommerce  plus this theme is build on very high framework with HTML5 and CSS3. 
  • Here are some improvements that are made inside this latest version of KLEO WP Theme and those are HTTPS Compatibility improvements, Expert improvement, Posts pagination improvement and some social share improvements are also made. 
  • We have added some new features inside this WP Theme such as Visual Composer , Buddypress , added Buddypress Group to Ajax Search context and Enable/Disable Woocommerce new product badge and set the number of days to treat a product as new. 
  • KLEO WordPress Theme compatible with lots of amazing features such as Boxed and Wide Version, Front-end Drag and Drop Page Builder, Mobile/Tablet Responsive and Retina Ready, Unlimited Colors, Multiple Header Styles or Social Share Option and more. 

Whats New:
We made some changes inside this latest version of KLEO WordPress Theme and these modification were done by our professional experts, on our valuable customers demand. The improvements were listed below and are as follow:

Updates of KLEO v3.1:
  • Added new feature in Halloween bonus sliders.
  • Added new category or tag for description support.
  • Added new polish translation feature.
  • Added new icons with your own icons by adding the fonttello. 
  • Added new feature to set an inner container.
  • Resolved an issue with wishlist button translation.
  • Resolved an issue with wishlist button position.
  • Resolved an issue with custom sidebar that made widget styling break.
  • Resolved an issue with header size when set less than 50px.
  • Resolved an issue with mobile app demo page import file.
  • Updated the theme options redux framework.
  • Resolved an issue with resume demo page import file.
  • Updated Revolution Slider to its newest version v5.1.
  • Updated Visual Composer to its newest version v4.8 and more.
Updates of KLEO v3.0.7:
  • Updated Revolution Slider Plugin to it's newest version
  • This Theme fully support WooCommerce 2.4.
  • The Theme fully support visual composer 4.6.2.
  • Resolved an issue with double site url in edit link.
  • Resolved problem with BP member types.
  • Problem solved with polylang plugin conflicts and more :).
Updates of KLEO v3.0 
  • Added new feature in Ajax Theme Option to disable if you are facing any problem. 
  • Added new feature of small backward compat for users who have,nt upgraded to BP 2.3+. 
  • Added new option in custom page title adjustment. 
  • Fixed a problem with pasted shortcodes in the Header content and Bottom content that wasn't interpreted correctly. 
  • Fixed problem with small social header under the main menu. 
  • Resolved an issue with active color profile tabs on chrome browsers. 
  • Resolve problem with WooCommerce/Buddypress to display all orders in profile. 
  • Updated the Visual Composer to its newest version and more. 
Updateds of KLEO v2.4.3
  • Updated WooCommerce upto its newest version 2.3.8. 
  • Added woocommerce filter by widget styling fix after plugin update. 
  • Fix carousel swipe on mobile. 
  • New option added to able the user to remove author link from blog post meta. 
  • New option added to enable excerpt in KLEO recent posts widgets. 
  • New added spanish translation. 
  • Updated the Visual Composer upto its newest version. 
  • Added new Fontello icons. 
  • Solved the parallax section on mobile devices. 
  • Solved an issue with payment selection. 
  • Fix IE compatibility mode. 
  • Buddypress is upgraded upto 2.2. 
  • Improvements in buddypress stylings. 
  • Updated paid membership. 
  • Fix an issue with overflow for article content and more.

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