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Monday, November 23, 2015

Newspaper Themeforest Wordpress Theme Free Download [Version 6.6]

Newspaper Themeforest Wordpress Theme Free Download [Current Version 6.5]
Newspaper Themeforest Wordpress Theme Free Download
Newspaper WordPress Theme, Updated Version Is Reachable On This Page.
Premium WP Theme : Its a Themeforest Premium WordPress Theme and this is ideal for news related sites or news related blogs too. Latest Version is Accessible on Themeforest and we also offer updated version here too. Current Version is 6.6 and last time it was updated on Sep 21, 2015. 

  • Newspaper is an wonderful and incredible Themeforest Premium Wordpress Theme and this theme allows you to write unique or best articles plus we gives you a amazing support and friendly help. 
  • This theme is ideal for Newspaper, News, Review sites, Publishing or Magazine plus the theme supports youtube videos and it has rating system too. 
  • Newspaper Theme is capable of Buddypress, bbpress forum or Woocommerce and this theme is clean or SEO friendly plus it is very easy to use. included the theme supports responsive Adsense and Google Ads too. 
  • With its Custom build Drag and Drop Gallery you can add value to your posts and gallery shows the viewers about image description and copy right information plus viewers are going to feel relax with this option(this plugin is the best plugin that is currently availiable). 
  • Best part of this theme is that it has 5 unique post templates means one new template for new post plus we have added a better sticky menu with this features you experience better on every devices with small screens and the sticky menu hides on small devices (like mobile and tablets) when you scroll down. 
  • Now a days users facing problem with W3 cache and other caching plugins but now with this theme you are not going to face longer with this problem because when you activate a single option from the panel, theme will starts to use multiple technologies to update and you can see the post after the page is cached. 
  • We have facilitate the theme with Multiple Layouts (over 60 combinations) means by using almost 10 content blocks and 7 templates, you can structured fantastic blog, magazine and site like layout. 
  • The theme is capable of content blocks plus lots of useful blocks for example Social sharing, Social counter, Custom text block, popular category block and ad block too, these blocks work with our unique ad system. 
  • Newspaper WordPress Theme is rich of features like Intelligent Ad system, Beautiful Theme Panel, WordPress Bosster Framework, Offset Support in Blocks, Unique Article System, Type, Font Stacks and Google Fonts or Speed Booster v2 Plugin and more.

Whats New:
Certain type of modifications were made inside this WordPress Theme and these changes were done by our professional experts, on our valuable customers demands. We hope that with these changes your site become more attractive. Improvements were listed below:

Updates of Newspaper v6.6:
  • Resolved an issue with widget constructor warning in wordpress 4.3 RC.
Updates of Newspaper 6.5:
  • Introduce new Jetpack Plugin to show all the blocks and widgets site wide popular articles.
  • Introduce new system that you can easily see what blocks you are using and where.
  • Now each demos uses a different CSS generator for specific altered appearance and the theme just use the required css for each demo.
  • Introduce new Cars Demo.
  • Now you can easily change mobile menu colors through Theme Panel.
  • Visual Composer Plugin is updated to its newest version.
  • Introduce new smart list 8 with dropdown lists.
  • Introduce new ad spot used the smart list 8.
  • Resolved an issue with smooth scroll which is not working on chrome.
  • Resolved different issues with javascript detector.
  • Added the alt tag to placeholder feature images and the thumb disabled images.
  • Resolved an issue with spacing in comments and WooCommerce.
  • Resolved an issue with WordPress typo in social media panel and more.
Updates of Newspaper 6.3.2:
  • Resolved an issue with theme api code is more compact now or using just one file.
  • Resolved an issue with the patch from 6.3 to 6.3.1 was broken.
  • In this new release we added a patch that will bring your theme up to date.
  • Solved a problem with warning showing up in logos on rare occasions when the panel was saved.
  • Solved problem with the sliders load now only when the images are downloaded.
  • Solved problem with incorrect link on live search when category tag is enable on module Mx2.
  • And More. :)
Updates of Newspaper 6.3:
  • Solved an issue with demo installer error when the uploads folder does'nt work have the required permission.
  • Solved problem with smooth scroll was not working on chrome.
  • Work better child theme support.
  • Added new taxonomy .php.
  • Added new custom taxonomy panel.
  • Added new custom posts types panel and more.
Updates of Newspaper 6.2:
  • Better now in Mega Menu Page support lists and WP Custom Menus.
  • Better in login/registration section and you can directly access or post a comment through comment section.
  • Better in translation for "of".
  • Better in child theme version and also useful for cache busting.
  • Better in downloads and now it can download vimeo thumbnails when accessible.
  • Resolved issue with twitter embed appearance.
  • Resolved issue with pull quote css.
  • Solved problem with breadcrumb empty space if you hide it on post template.
  • Solved problem with unclickable breadcrumbs on category template style 8.
  • Solved problem with import demos with default black headers color.
  • Solved problem with smart lists + Yoast analytics incompatibility and more.
Updates of Newspaper 6.1:
  • Improved list in the post content from Theme panel.
  • Improved added .screen - reader - text class for better usability.
  • Modify visual composer to its newest version.
  • Improved better documentation + first video tutorials.
  • Fixed an issue with unique articles work now as expected.
  • Fixed an issue with speed booster 4.1 works better now + bbpress.
  • Fixed an issue with big grids on IOS where missing title until touch.
  • Resolved problem with block 20 css + speed boster.
  • Resolved problem with CSS and more.
Updated of Newspaper 4.6.2
  • Updated Visual Composer to its newest version.
  • Updated Revolution Slider ti its current version.
  • Improved WooCommerce support (css issues).
  • Improved the video playlist now uses native wordpress functions to fatch video data.
  • Improvement in embeded videos and now it load at 720p by default.
  • Improved the site width background is now top centered when strach is on.
  • Resolve an issue with gallery shortcode was emiting errors sometimes.
  • Modified function.php.
  • Modification in Plugins and more. 

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